The ███████ Man

Twenty years ago, there was this ███ whose name is ████████████. He is known for ███████ on me. He lived in ████████████████████████████████ where my aunt used to live. So, this is the tale of The ███████ Man. The man who ███████ me.
██████████████████, I was █████████ my plants. They ██████████ enjoyed it. However, this █████████████ marigold decided to say, "██████████████" This horribly ███████████ me, so I said to him, "Now, don't say that. There is children █████████ nearby." I don't know why the plants are ██████████ me, though. Then, all of a sudden, there was a man, about ███ years old and about ████████████ tall. He walked up to me and said, "Eyy, ████████████████ ███ ████████████." I was ████████ shocking. He then come close to me, and ███████ me in the █████████████████████████. Serious. All of them, and he only had one ████████!
Then, the ██████████ came up to me, and said, "████████████████████". I gasped! Now, I am ███████████ by two grown men that'll █████████ this on the internet! But it's █████████. I was ████████████ this. So, I cried, "████████ █████████ ██████████████████████!" The man who █████████ me said, "M'kay."
So, he █████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ ███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ ██████████████████████████████████████, oh my.
Then, the cops came.
"HEY, YOU CAN █████████ while in public! We'll ██████████ you as soon as possible!" The Man who ██████████ said, "OH █████████"
Then the cops came up to him and arrested him.
After then, I suffered ███████████████████ Syndrome.
And then, a ██████████ came out.

Note (August 5, ████): The Public of Australia and 4Kids! told me to censor all of this. Sorry for those who missed the details.